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Battery Health Monitoring

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IIoT Backed Predictive Maintenance Solutions

Battery Health Monitoring

Battery health monitoring solution
Sensors attached to the batteries

In today’s world, reliable battery performance is crucial for everything from powering our devices to ensuring uninterrupted operations in critical industries. But batteries degrade over time, and unexpected failures can be costly and disruptive. Here’s where battery health monitoring solutions come in. These intelligent systems provide real-time insights into battery health, allowing you to:

Proactively identify potential issues before they lead to complete failure.

Optimize charging cycles to extend battery life and reduce degradation.

Make informed decisions about maintenance and replacement based on accurate data.

By implementing a Vadict battery health monitoring solution, you can gain peace of mind, ensure optimal performance, and maximize the lifespan of your batteries.

Battery health monitoring solution SOC
State of Charge of battery
State of Charge (SOC)

State-of-charge (SOC) is defined as the ratio of amount of charge to actual capacity. Value of SOC ranges from 100% to 0 % for fully charged to fully discharged state, respectively. Voltage value is used to obtain SOC for a particular temperature.

The SOC indicates the availability until the next recharge, and its value decreases with voltage, as shown in Figure

State of Health (SOH)

State-of-health (SOH) is defined as the ratio between current maximum capacity and the capacity of the new battery or theoretical capacity. All batteries degrade over the time due cycling and increase in internal resistance. Degradation rates could be different for different batteries due to charging/discharging cycles (C–rate), physical/chemical properties, manufacturing variability, and environment conditions.

Unlike SOC, estimation of SOH is more subjective, and as the value indicates the current condition relative to the new battery, a reliable initial reference value should be provided for SOH estimation. In online battery monitoring systems, the SOH is calculated from measured resistance.

Battery health monitoring solution
Alarm Conditions
Alarm Conditions

For real-time status, alarms are generated based on the data gathered by IIoT platform and set threshold limits. Following table contains parameters and default threshold limits

Battery health monitoring solution
Data Presentation on dashboard
Predictive Analytics

State-of-charge (SOC) is an indicator of short-term capacity of the battery, and it changes with voltage. For predictions, different models are built from historical trends of the parameters for different types of batteries.

During model training, several factors are considered such as chemical properties, battery capacity, temperature, etc. Health states and remaining life of the batteries are then estimated by the algorithms. The following data are required for accurate prediction of battery health.

Initial resistance value, capacity, and type of battery (from OEM).

In case of battery replacement – installation date-time and data (a)

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    Reduces downtime and costs associated with unexpected battery failures.

    Extends battery life through optimized charging practices.

    Improves operational efficiency by allowing for proactive maintenance.

    Provides valuable data for making informed decisions about battery replacement.

    Commonly monitored parameters include:

    • Voltage

    • Current

    • Temperature

    • Remaining capacity

    • Charge/discharge cycles

    Data collection typically involves sensors attached to the battery or integrated within the battery management system (BMS).

    Data can be transmitted wirelessly or wired (e.g., Ethernet) to the central monitoring system.

    This BMS is compatible with most batteries used in manufacturing setups.