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Present and Active

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Second stage of Digital Transformation

Present and Active

  • A manufacturing company pilots a new inventory management software to improve stock tracking and reduce waste.
  • A retail store starts using a basic customer relationship management (CRM) system to track customer data and personalize marketing campaigns.
  • A bank explores a mobile app solution for basic account management tasks.

Benefits of the Present and Active Stage:

  • Identifying Opportunities: 
  • Building Digital Skills: 
  • Proof of Concept 
  • Lack of Strategy
  • Limited Resources
  • Integration Issues
  • Resistance to Change

The Present and Active stage is a stepping stone towards digital transformation journey. To move beyond this stage, organizations need to:

  • Develop a Digital Transformation Strategy
  • Secure Leadership Support
  • Invest in Digital Talent & Skills Development
  • Break Down Silos

By addressing these challenges and taking these steps, organizations can transition from isolated experimentation to a more strategic and integrated approach to digital transformation.

The Present and Active stage marks a shift in an organization's mindset towards digital transformation. It's the phase where they move beyond "business as usual" (BAU) and begin to explore the potential of digital technologies. Here's a closer look at this key characteristics of this stage:
Growing Awareness:
There's a growing recognition within the organization of the importance of digital technologies for improving efficiency, gaining a competitive edge, and meeting customer needs. This awareness might be driven by factors like industry trends, competitor success stories, or internal inefficiencies.
Sporadic Experimentation:
Organizations start experimenting with isolated digital solutions to address specific pain points. This might involve piloting new software, implementing a cloud-based solution for a particular department, or exploring basic data analytics tools.
Limited Integration:
Digital initiatives are often siloed and don't necessarily integrate with existing systems or processes.
Early Investment:
Organizations may start allocating some budget towards digital initiatives, but it's typically not a significant investment at this stage.
Focus on Efficiency:
The primary goal of digital initiatives in the Present and Active stage is often to improve operational efficiency by automating tasks or streamlining workflows.
At this stage, organizations can start planning for transition from isolated experimentation to a more strategic and integrated approach to digital transformation.